Worms are disgusting, full of toxins, they feed on carrion!

...Don't worry, this is not the case and in this article we will focus on debunking some of the most common myths about edible insects.


Edible insects are becoming an increasingly popular food around the world and many people are trying to incorporate them into their diets. Insects intended for human consumption are raised in controlled conditions and fed with certified feeds. These feeds are produced with the needs of the insect species in mind and contain no harmful substances such as pesticides or herbicides.

In addition to certified feed, insects can be fed on fruit, vegetables and other plant sources. However, most insect species are able to survive and reproduce without the addition of animal products, so they can also get the nutrients they need from a plant-based diet.

It is therefore important to remember that insects for consumption are not raised on waste or carrion, as some might think. On the contrary, they are fed on quality foods that are designed for the insect species and provide them with the nutrients they need. The rearing of insects for consumption is constantly monitored and regulated to ensure the safety and quality of the product for the consumer.


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Eating insects as food is a sustainable and healthy alternative to traditional meat. Insects for consumption are not raised on carrion and do not eat themselves, as is often mistakenly claimed. Instead, they are raised in controlled conditions and fed certified feed to ensure the quality and safety of the product for the consumer.

Edible insects are raised on biomass in accordance with EU regulations, so major food and feed contaminants such as pesticides, mycotoxins, heavy metals or industrial residues do not accumulate in farmed insects. As with any other food of animal origin, it is the implementation of strict controls for biomass farming, and not for the insects themselves, that is crucial for the safety of edible insects.


We would like to dispel 3 myths that are not true and we will tell you why.

1) Edible insects are disgusting

This myth is often stated by people who have never tried edible insects. Many edible insects have a pleasant nutty or buttery taste, and some species even taste sweet. There are also many different ways of preparing edible insects that can affect their taste. The taste of edible insects can vary depending on the species and the method of preparation. In fact, most edible insects are odourless and tasteless and absorb the smell and taste from the added ingredients during processing.

2) Edible insects are full of toxins

This myth is often associated with the fact that insects feed on plants that are often treated with pesticides. However, edible insects are not as exposed to pesticides as the plants we eat. Most species of edible insects are raised on special farms where safe production methods are used and feeds are carefully selected to be safe for consumption. There are also sources of edible insects from wild collection, but these are carefully selected and often tested for safety.

3) Edible insects feed on carrion

This myth is completely false and may come from a poor understanding of how insects behave in nature. Insects feed on a variety of materials including nectar, leaves, flowers and other insects.

Insects for human consumption are fed special foods and fruits that must be certified and approved. Feed and fruit are carefully selected and tested to ensure safety and health, so the risk of parasites and disease is minimal.




Edible insects are a healthy and sustainable food that is becoming increasingly popular around the world. Many people are realising the potential of edible insects as a source of protein and nutrients, as well as a means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable agriculture.

Although there are several myths about edible insects, it is important to remember that many of them are not true and that edible insects are a safe and tasty food. If you are interested in trying edible insects, you can start with small batches and gradually learn new ways of preparing and eating them. This can be an opportunity to discover new flavours and sustainable food sources.

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